Qlik Sense / Qlik Analytics Platform Articles, Projects & Tutorials by Stefan Walther

AngularJS Binding

Use AngularJS to make your widgets more dynamic.

We have already touched some very basic concepts of AngularJS in previous chapters.

Now let's work on an example how to bind some logic to a property in the property panel. We want to show some conditional content, depending on whether a checkbox is checked or not.

Let's start with the exercise "Exercise: AngularJS Binding", then follow these steps:

  • Create a checkbox property, give it a label "Show Details" and a reference named "showDetails"
  • Create some nicely formatted content which
    • is only displayed if showDetails is not checked
    • is only displayed if showDetails is checked


First create the property:

Then let's add some Html code

<div class="details">
    "Show Details" has been checked ...
<div class="eof">
    Nothing to show, please enable "Show Details" ...

... and the corresponding CSS code

.details {
    ul {
.eof {
    color: #990000;
    font-weight: bold;

Not really exciting so far, let's add the magic stuff.
We are now using a - so called - AngularJS directive which removes or adds a portion of the HTML shown in the browser depending on a condition - in our case the value of the property showDetails (which can either be true or false).

Modified Html:

<!-- Render only if showDetails is checked, and therefore equals to false -->
<div class="details" ng-if="settings.showDetails">

<!-- Render only if showDetails is NOT checked, and therefore equals to false --->
<div class="eof" ng-if="!settings.showDetails">

OK, much better, we have now a working conditional rendering, based on the value of the property showDetails:

A proposed solution can be found in the widget "Result: AngularJS Binding" (widget library "widget-exercises").
