Qlik Sense / Qlik Analytics Platform Articles, Projects & Tutorials by Stefan Walther

Using the Capability APIs

Custom components can also leverage the power of Qlik's Capability APIs.

When developing Custom Components you can fully leverage the power of Qlik's Capability APIs.

All you need is a reference to the Root API in the definition of your component:

define( [
], function ( qlik ) {
    'use strict';

    return {
        name: "ccsMyComponent",
        restrict: 'E',
        link: function ( scope ) {
           // You can now use qlik as the entry point to the Capability APIs
} );

Example using the Capability APIs

The following example will render some basic information about the current product version by just using the following HTML element:


The ccs-version-info.qext file:

  "name": "ccs-version-info",
  "description": "Example how to use Qlik's Capability APIs.",
  "type": "component",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "author": "Stefan Walther"
define( [
], function ( qlik, ngTemplate ) {
    'use strict';

    return {
        name: "ccsVersionInfo",
        restrict: 'E',
        template: ngTemplate,
        link: function ( scope ) {
            var global = qlik.getGlobal();
            // Retrieve the product version
            global.getProductVersion( function ( reply ) {
                scope.productVersion = reply.qReturn;
            } );

            // Retrieve the product
            global.getQTProduct( function ( reply ) {
                scope.qtProduct = reply.qReturn;
            } );

            // Retrieve if we are working in personal mode or not
            global.isPersonalMode( function ( reply ) {
                scope.isPersonalMode = reply.qReturn;
            } );
} );

The template.ng.html file:

    <b>Product Version: </b><br/>
    <b>Product: </b><br/>
    <b>Is Personal Mode:</b> <br/>


AngularJS allows you to define the template for a directive either inline as string, by passing an object (which is used in the above example), or by pointing to a URL using the templateUrl property.
See more in the AngularJS Directives documentation.